Around the world, people spend more than seven hours online every day. This is certainly a good thing, but it also creates a security risk. Companies and individuals should be aware of this and take steps to deal with it. The best data protection is protecting sensitive information from cyber-attacks, and also protecting the integrity of that information.
Backup and disaster recovery (DR) It protects data from ransomware attacks and other nefarious activities, can cause business losses and legal sanctions as well as damage to the brand. It also includes data masking and substitute, that replaces valuable data with tokens that are low-value to minimize the risk of a breach or theft of the actual data. Finally, the most effective security for data includes a strict concentration on ongoing testing in order to ensure that systems work correctly and that security measures are in place.
A solid data security strategy is built on the base of a solid and robust backup and DR system, capable of detecting and recover from a diverse range of cyber threats. It should also include robust access control policies to ensure that only the right individuals are able to access the data they require when they require it, and that employees are not able to transfer sensitive data outside of the organization.
Another essential aspect of best data security is having visibility into how data is utilized within an organization, in particular how and when it’s being transferred between different locations. This allows companies to quickly identify potential risks and take appropriate steps. For example installing user-specific controls for access and monitoring protocols which notify them when suspicious or unusual activity is detected.